Tuesday, March 06, 2012

YIPPEE..!!!! Cahones showed up before fly season.

 Surprised Tucker hasn't tried this on Momma Mocha...!!

At least I think they are both there, on Tucker's 6 month birthday.....!!!  John had a jeep tour in Tucson today & didn't get a chance to grope him before he left.  But if he's got them, I'm going to be on the phone to the vet, pronto.......!!! 

This morning I also noticed dirty hair hanging down under Bijou.  He is such a hairy little sucker it's hard to even figure out where hair stops & little horse starts.  I was told he actually sheds out in the spring, I sure hope so, for Kathy's sake.......!!! LOL  It seems that he probably doesn't drop far enough, when he pees, (not even sure he can reel out enough to clear) hair gets wet, he lays down & the rest is easy to figure out. 

I came in got the scissors, went out to cut off the mud balls of hair.  Found out something pretty quick.  Although he's been a line pony & is dead broke to lead, go in trailer etc, being groped is not one of his favorite things.  In fact he actually kicked a couple of times, after he trotted off to try to escape.  John won't be home until after dark, so we'll either try to cut them off in the morning, or I'll take the scissors with us when we take him to his new foster home & do it there.  I'd like to use the clippers & just clip his tummy.  But if he doesn't want to be touched, I doubt seriously that a vibrating set of clippers would be a very bit hit either. 

His eyes were a little goopy, so I got a warm wash rag & wiped them.  Now that was perfectly OK, in fact it seems to be one of his favorite things.  Susan said he has chronic conjunctivitis, but a fly mask controls it in the summer.  I have a "care" package to go with him tomorrow, & we always put fly masks on them when we haul anyway.  Kathy's family is all excited about him coming to visit.  I think it's going to be a great place for him. 

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