Saturday, December 17, 2022

Hmmmm.........we have a grumpy donkey to contend with.........

 Chewie and Carter have settled in nicely, they are now going out during the day.  They have to stay in at night because Chewie is use to being blanketed at night since it's been cold.  When they go out one goes one way and the other a different direction.  It's interesting to bring in a couple of donkeys that have been together for years.  A lot of times they hit the ground and don't even say bye to their former "friend".  These two are in a pen together because they had been together 5 years.  Over the years most paired donkeys have separated when they had access to other donkeys and plenty of roaming area.  La'Roy and Jackson have stayed paired, at the hip, but it's rather one sided.  Jackson is bonded and LaRoy goes along with it.  

This is Carter in a little feeding pen inside their larger pen.  He looks to me like a little chunky Irish donkey


The reason he is in the little pen is to keep him from getting chunkier.  He likes to help Chewie eat his feed.

The set of the ears shows an unhappy donkey. Nora tattled on him and he had already gotten in trouble for pushing his way into Beefy's pen between the  wall to his right and the outside corral panel on the right. There wasn't room to squeeze thru there, but he managed.  

Put him back where he belonged and this is what happened.  

He stomped in all the nice clean sand John had put in there, when he started pawing sand everywhere.........!!!!!  LOL

Even on top of the corral panel, and the ears are still telling his opinion of the whole situation........LOL

His problem was, since he had figured out how to squeeze thru here, we chained it, hadn't been a problem before.

While we were fixing the problem, Chewie had finished his feed, so we moved Crabby Carter and his bunk out in the big pen, and peace reigned.......  LOL  It's so much fun to watch their minds work and it isn't very difficult to figure out what they are thinking.  

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