Sunday, February 27, 2022


 Only one more day in the month of February.  We've had so many visitors this month, we've only had 6 days without a tour.  People wanting to visit with the donkeys I guess.  A lot of the people are people that have been out here before.  Many of the winter visitors come back every year and remember donkeys that were special to them.  

Brenda Peo is a local artist that came out to take pictures of the donkeys years ago.  Hadn't talked to her since then, although I followed her Facebook page.  Roger Thompson is a photographer that came out last year and took lots of pictures of the donkeys and is back this year.  They met at Tubac at a showing of local artist's work, got to talking and found out they had both been out here.  They decided to come out at the same time and take some pictures.

Brenda brought her painting named Mork and Mindy to visit with the donkeys.  The donkeys look like they are very interested in her painting.

Roger was trying to get the "perfect shot" and Ruthie was trying to help.  

 Cisco wants to help too, unfortunately they aren't nearly as helpful as they think they are.  


Roger actually took this picture last year of BlackJack at the feed room door trying to get Suzanne to give him some Tums, one of his favorite treats.  We can give him 3 and he'll get off the porch and go to his pen.  But he won't leave if we only give him two, he's too smart for that.......!!!! 

Charley the dog had a tumor removed from his eyelid a week ago Friday.  He came home with a Elizabethian collar to keep him from scratching the eye or scraping  it on the ground.  So far he has completely destroyed 2 collars.  He's suppose to wear one for 3 weeks, until his follow up appointment.  He tore up the last one night before last, yesterday I drove into Tucson and got 2 more, but when I got home it was dark and putting one of those on him, isn't an easy task in the daylight.  He hadn't messed with it, so I cross my fingers and hoped for the best.  So far he hasn't bothered it, so we're giving him a chance to be a good boy.  

Suzanne's mother has settled in really well.  She says it's like camping out.  She's really enjoying the sunny weather and learning to drive the golf cart, so she can roam around while we're doing chores or whatever.  

Beefy is about to wear out his welcome with the girls.  He's decided that Frijolita, Tula and Ruthie are pretty cute.  They have gotten to the point where they don't want him anywhere near them because he's acting like he's the "man".  He's only been gelded since early Dec and had been used for breeding, so it's understandable that he's still going to act like a jerk for awhile.  But that doesn't mean the girls want to put up with him.  At least he's chasing the big girls, when he first got here he was in "lust" with Mamacita, who is less than 36 inches tall.  That just wasn't going to work, so he moved on to the big girls.  Suzanne started him on raspberry leaves this morning.  They are suppose to have a calming effect on both mares and geldings.  When Rambo was here, he was always chasing the girls, and I finally had him tested to make sure when he was gelded they didn't miss something important.  They hadn't, but he sure thought they had.  It will probably take weeks or months for Beefy's behavior to level out, although some geldings continue to act stupid, just because.  


Kelly said...

That is a really cool painting. Glad to hear that Charlie got the tumor removed. How is he doing?

Tish said...

He's doing just fine, goes Wed to get the stitches out of his eyelid. He's not bothered it at all that we can see thank goodness. Brenda does some amazing work, a friend brought me a computer pad that she had done of Boaz from the last time she was out here. Did you have fun yesterday?