Thursday, July 16, 2020


Macho Man's leg had been doing so good, until a couple of days ago.  When I started to bandage his leg, he took off like his tail was on fire.  I had to get Mikaela to hold him to finish the job. The next morning when I took the bandage off, he had chewed at it and made quite a mess of it on the bottom.  

Same thing, when I tried to bandage him, he really didn't want it.  Suzanne held him, and when I got it done, he started gnawing on it with a purpose, so I knew something wasn't right.  Got in touch with Dr. Jeremy and he said to not doctor for a few days.  He had said not to get the Endoderm on the new skin and I thought I was doing that, but obviously not good enough.  The old scar tissue doesn't have any feeling but the new skin does and I guess it's irritating, poor old boy. When I start doctoring again, I will have to be more careful.  

I left it uncovered yesterday and this morning just put a cover on it to keep the dirt from sticking to it for a few days. 

This is how it looked this morning with dirt on it.  

This is the 2 new girls, Kachina and Anazazi, they had fun last night, breaking the faucet in their pen.  This morning there was quite a water source thru Big Gus, DJ the pony, and Rosie's pens.  Good thing they didn't do it earlier in the night or it would have gone farther.  As you can see they weren't the least bit contrite, they just wanted a cookie...........!!!  LOL

I don't have a picture of Koshare's handiwork the last few days, but he's been pretty busy also.  Two days in a row he turned his great big black rubber feeder over, and stood on it until it collapsed in two places.  Suzanne had to stand on it to flatten it again, although he had cracked it.  Yesterday he did it again, but this time there wasn't any saving it.  So now he has a half barrel John says he can't destroy........we'll see.  

We had put a jolly ball in with him to keep him occupied.  He chewed about 1/3 of it into little pieces, I have no idea if he ate any of it or not, we're doing Poo 101, looking for pieces of blue.  I'm not sure what we could put in with him for entertainment, a bowling ball perhaps.........???  Jolly balls are suppose to be indestructible...........not with this boy.........!! 

Everyone else seems to be doing good and staying out of trouble.  Nellie and Carlos will probably go home this week-end when their family get home from their mini-vacation.  They've been very good don't hardly know they are there.

Haven't heard from Colorado for awhile, there are some rumblings about 3 of the races taking place in August.  The course will be different, not starting in the towns like they normally do, but at least the pack burro runners will get a little action this year.  If those races go well, maybe things will lighten up a little and people can get back to normal.


DesertHorses said...

Would AluShield work on this if it doesn’t actually still need the antibiotic/antifungal in EnteDerm? EnteDerm is usually pretty non-irritating.

Tish said...

Yesterday afternoon the scar tissue was sloughing off the top layer of tissue, so I rubbed of what would come off and sprayed with Alu-shield for the night. The problem is our type of ground, haven't been out this morning but would imagine the area is covered with sand and gravel. It almost has to be covered with a wrap of some kind. Alu-shield is good stuff, always in my kit.