Sunday, April 05, 2020

TUCKER IS AMAZING.............!!

I don't know much about his story, except he's about 5 years old,  he's been by himself for about a year and hasn't been worked with very much.  

He got here just about feeding time Thursday and was pretty skittish about everything, which is understandable, considering all the eyes watching him, round up and feeding operation.  Quite a lot for one little guy to take in all at once.  

He stayed in his pen overnight, Friday and Friday night.  Saturday morning after chores Lynn let him out and he was pretty mellow about the whole situation.  When it was time to go in his pen for feeding, it could have gone either way.  We could have had to walk him down which can take hours, or he could almost go right into his pen like he'd been doing it for years.  He watched some of the others go in their pens and in he went.  Last night he stayed in because he hadn't been into Burroland yet and it's pretty rough country to get acquainted with in the dark, although he can probably see better than we can at night.  

He's shown interest in the other donkeys, and this morning he and Link the 2 year old mammoth were playing and running.  Link finally wanted to quit and Tucker was trying to get him to play some more.  Later on I was out and he was standing by the courtyard.  I went up to him, "wallered" him all over and I quit before he didn't want any more.  He's really is a neat little guy.  And he has a very interesting mane.  

Most donkeys have a roached mane that stands up.  Some of them have a longer roached mane that flops all over the place and looks more like a real mane.  And a few of them have an actual mane.  He has a long mane for a donkey and it's got 2 colors in it.  It probably won't ever be any longer than it is, Cisco has been here about 20 years, his was this long when he came and it's still about the same length.

This was his welcoming committee when he got here.  He is on the right in the pen, Muzzie is on the left in Big Gus' pen and the others are outside the pens gawking at him.  

Tyler came Friday to re-shoe Gigi.  Gigi was probably born crippled and nothing was done for 11 years, before we got her.  She's worn shoes on her front feet ever since and Tyler comes about every 8 weeks to do her.  He use to also do Gus and Penny, but both of them are gone now.  So now Gigi is his only regular and he will also do others if I ask him if he has time.  

Benjy and Jenny have been here a couple of months and are getting better but still are rather opinionated about what people can and can't do with them.  They actually could have been worse, hopefully next time will be better......!! LOL 

These are Lynn and Linda's three dogs, left to right, Lucy, Lennon standing on the stock and Lola is black and by the right side of the stock.   Anyone that has been around dogs and farriers at the same time, probably know what they are doing.  I don't think people would appreciate the snacks, but the dogs sure do.  Hoof trimmings must be really tasty, because all dogs will eat them until they get sick......!!  Linda said she saved some for later...........!!! LOL

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