Friday, April 19, 2013


I guess I "are"  one........!!!!  My computer fan was growling, which I guess originally started my recent computer problems.  OK, you go out and buy one right?  WRONG, this particular fan does not seem to be available right now in the U.S.  I don't know if it is horribly common or horribly uncommon, but not having it is a problem. The fan is vital to cool off that little round thing ie heat sink, which draws heat off the mother board.  It's really amazing the amount of heat a computer generates. 
I had been limping along, "sneaking" the computer on & hurrying to do what I thought needed to be done.  My sneaky time was getting shorter & shorter before it would really start loudly protesting.  So we came up with this "fix" until a new fan gets here from China.............yes China only place I found one.  Won't be here until after the 25th, that's the earliest date mentioned.......!!!  :-(
John worked electronics for over 30 years & tells me this will work.  He took the fan completely out, & on the left is a pedestal fan blowing directly on the heat sink from a distance of about 4 inches.  As long as I can touch the heat sink, I figure we're doing OK.
Really more involvement that I care for, I like to push a button & things happen......!!! LOL
I wish I had a camera at feeding time a couple of days ago.  Actually if we hadn't been so enthralled in watching what was happening I probably had time to come in & get the camera, it went on for that long.
The wind was blowing like crazy when John went out to do afternoon round-up.  When I went out he said, "look out here they come".  Jack & Molly the mini mules were running as fast as their little legs would move, cross country.  They would disappear & pretty soon here they would come again.  I told John to stand next to a tree or something, so he wouldn't get ran down in the melee.  They looked like they were just running for the fun of it & it must have gone on for at least 5 minutes or more. 
We had been worried about Molly's feet, she looks like she's been foundered at sometime, then Courtney found a little thrush.  Her "valley's" on the side of her frogs are so deep, she picks up & keeps everything, rocks, sticks, poo it seems just about everything she walks on, hangs around until picked out. 
Judging from the races we saw, her feet don't seem to bother her at all, sometimes she was in the lead & then Jack would be.  The donkeys for the most part just stood & watched the show.  They were jumping over bushes & changing leads to go around stuff, really  fun to watch. 
Yesterday afternoon when John went out everyone came in but old Pepper.  The last few times he's been down he was in the wash, which is an easy find.  This time he was all the way across Burroland (20 acres) almost to the fence, down & had been down for quite awhile.  When John rolled him over he didn't pop right up like he usually does.  John said when he finally did stagger to his feet, John was afraid he was going down again.  But he finally managed to rally, followed John all the way back to the pens.  I had to rinse the mud out of his eye that was full of dirt & put some ointment in it.  Made over him, told him what an old fool he is & by the time I had the buckets ready to feed, he was busy pawing at the rubber mat with impatience.  Sometimes he paws at the mat so hard we can smell the rubber.  The silly old buzzard, he can just barely use those front legs to walk.  He is such a hoot, those ears are always up, the eyes shining brightly & even though the body isn't what it use to be, I don't think the mind has slowed up much at all.........!!!! LOL 

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