Sunday, September 09, 2012

Yesterday we took BlackJack & Boaz to their grass & weed control "job".  They both came out of the trailer, with their heads down & jaws moving.  I hope they slowed down after awhile, or we'll have to bring them home.  Karla & Rodney know equines & know what to look for if they start gaining weight.  They said the horses they've had before never had a problem, & came off dry lots & a hay diet. 

Today it was Pancho & Ruger's turn.  As you can see they know the drill, although they did spend a few minutes roaming around, looking to "see what they could see".  Then the heads went down.  I briefed Trina on what to watch for, in case they pig out.  Ruger is young enough he can probably get away with indulging, but Pancho is 9 years old & proned to being "fluffy".  

That gorgeous building behind them is a 7 stall mare motel, that Trina is probably going to sell.  Sigh!  I "really really" don't need it, but it sure is pretty.....!!!!!  LOL

This was the view we had as we left, I'm not even sure they knew we were gone.........brats........!!!  They were off to see what else they could find on 5 acres. 

Jenny is having some problems with her foot right now.  Courtney thinks it "might" be an abscess, I sure hope so.  Her foot is so compromised I'm afraid if she has anything go wrong with it, we won't be able to fix it.  

I've soaked it the last 2 mornings, & there is a soft spot below the coronet, so hopefully it is an abscess.  The foot itself looks really good, Georgette was out this morning when I was doctoring & saw it in person for the first time.  She said it looked much better than the pictures I put on the blog, & I have to agree, it's hardened off & wasn't bothering her at all until a few days ago, when she went 3 legged lame. Keep your fingers crossed or however you can send good thoughts for Jenny.

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