Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Boy, if you like wind today was a day for you.  Me...........not so much, hate wind always have, since we lived in Keflavik, Iceland for 2 years & the wind blew the whole time we were there........!!!  Blew me off the porch one time, another time out in a field.  I ended up wrapped around a big rock, until some nice man stopped, & dragged me back to his car, with the suggestion that I stay inside unless someone was with me......!!!!  I wasn't carrying quite as much "ballast" then, as my Dad always said I was built for speed not endurance.........  Ha!

But we did manage to get Bijou delivered to his foster home with Kathy. In spite of blowing dust obliterating the road a lot of the time.  

This is Kathy & her Dad making friends  with Bijou.  I think her Dad was unwrapping a peppermint, & Bijou was interested in the process.  But he didn't turn out to be a peppermint type of guy. you're talking........!!!

This is him ignoring the new neighbors & the new neighbors almost breaking their necks to gawk at him.  I didn't get a picture of his new buddy Gabe the goat.  Gabe wasn't real sure about him, but Kathy e-mailed me he is warming up, so it won't take long. 


Witcheylady said...

Bijou sure is a cutie. I so do hope this works out for him.
So many adorable critters out there that deserve good homes....
....big sigh...

Tish said...

I think it will be a great home for him, Kathy's animals are "family".