Wednesday, June 22, 2022


 She and Koshare got back Sunday afternoon, after a whirlwind week-end.  It sound like Koshare lived up to his reputation.  He has always been an interesting character, with a mind of his own, which means he isn't a "go along to get along" type of guy.  

He has done really well at pack burro racing and about the only time he goes anywhere in the trailer it's to a pack burro race.  Travel for hours,  get to camp out with other donkeys, lots of people in the area, head for the middle of town, gun goes off and run, run, run for the front of the herd.  

Hmmm......  the Mancos Burro Fest wasn't a race, it was a gathering of some of the wonderful artists from the area, to showcase their talent and also to pay homage to burros, who were instrumental to the settling of the state of Colorado.

That means that rather than racing, there was a parade, and obstacle course and the burros being on main street with the artists for the public to meet and greet.  From what Suzanne said, Koshare did NOT get the memo about the difference between racing and a festival.  She said he was head up, ears up and prancing like a race horse, pretty much when he came out of the trailer and stayed that way the whole day.  

Of course people love bad boys, so he got a lot of attention, while Suzanne tried to stay in control.  Koshare doesn't have a mean bone in his body, he loves people and I've never seen him kick or bite people or other donkeys.  But he is very strong and can be very determined, which kept Suzanne busy...!!  LOL  From what she said the parade was interesting, Koshare decided to head for the front, so he got to do a lot of turning in little circles.  

The bridge that tilts, no problem

The obstacle course had  8 obstacles and 8 minutes to finish it.  Suzanne said they finished the first 5 obstacles in about a minute or a little more.  Then they came to the dreaded water crossing which put a screeching halt to their forward motion.  Suzanne said she even stood in the water, and Koshare didn't care.  It's a timed event with points for each obstacle, so he would get more points if he did the obstacle and 1 point if he at least tried it.  I guess the rest of the course went about the same.  

Squeeze thru walls of hay, without eating it

Stomp thru piles of limbs, why not

And the winner is...........Koshare complete with a wreath of sunflowers which incidentally he tried to eat.  Suzanne plans on putting it back together.........!!! LOL

Suzanne with a beautiful painting of Arlo by Elizabeth Kinahan the featured artist of the 2022 Mancos BurroFest. This was the prize for Team Koshare winning the obstacle course.  It will look really good in our new office.

Koshare isn't the only one that didn't get the message about behaving and being a good team member. Our friend India and Sparkle Nelly made the trek from Tucson to participate in the BurroFest.  

Not sure but this might be the beginning of their run, Nelly has all 4 feet on the ground, LOL

Looks like she wants to be a dancer

Nope, not what Nelly had planned for the day....

Nelly seems bound and determined not to participate, at least on 4 feet.....

After the obstacle course the burros were suppose to go up on main street for an hour or so, with the artists so the people could visit with them.  Koshare ended up in TIME OUT, tied to the trailer instead of participating in all that attention.  He was still hyped up, head up, ears up and ready to go, Suzanne said her arms were tired.......!!! LOL  

It sounded like a good time was had by all, even Koshare had a good time, just not as good as he would have liked..........!!!   LOL  Hopefully next year Koshare can try to repeat his win, only this time finish all the obstacles.    Suzanne plans on working with him in the meantime, so he knows the difference between racing and  a festival.......!!!  

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