Sunday, May 01, 2022

I'M BACK...........!!!

 We were only gone over the week-end, so I can't really excuse how long it's been since I updated the blog.  John and I went over to the El Paso area to watch some dirt track racing at Vado Speedway.........!!!  They had 106 race cars for 5 classes and their bleachers were full, really had a great show, lots of dirt flying and enough wrecks to keep the people that like that sort of thing happy.  

This track has only been open about 4 years of course Covid kept it closed for over a year.  It was built from scratch by a racer and is a premier track for drivers and watchers alike.  We drove 758 miles round trip and it was worth it......!!! They race every week, we'll probably try to go ever chance we get, around Suzanne and the burro races.  Next week-end she will be heading to New Mexico with donkeys for N.M's first pack burro race ever.  Suzanne asked Debra one of our volunteers to go with her.  Debra's never seen a pack burro race, so Suzanne asked her to go along and see what makes these races happen.  It will be good for Suzanne to have someone to help her.  She can do it all by herself, but it will be nice to have company.

The 2 new boys Melvin and Big Jackson have settled in quickly with no problems.  We always leave the newbies in for a couple of days to acclimate to the changes in their lives, before we let them out.  Suzanne looked out one morning a couple of days after they got here and they were waltzing past her door........hmmmm  Someone opened their gate, we blamed Jasper, he is one of our locksmiths, Frijolita is the other one.  Jasper is really good at it and the boys were in his old pen.  It hasn't been his pen for years, but it's not a stretch to think he would want to check out the 2 new guys that were enjoying his prior abode.   

They haven't had a bit of trouble blended into the herd.  They aren't pushy with the donkeys and often come up to us if we're outside, just to see what we're doing and see if we are handing out cookies.....!! Here are some videos Suzanne took of the two boys.  They are very friendly and like to be around people.  




Sunday usually is a good day for volunteers and today was no exception.  Lots of people grooming donkeys, picking up poo, moving railroad ties and hauling obstacle course tires over to a new area that will be the new obstacle course for training.  There is a large cat claw tree in the pen area that has large branches that are split or dead or both.  Sometime ago one of the split limbs fell into Casper the little white mini mule's shelter and he wouldn't go into the shelter even after it was fixed for quite some time.  We noticed another limb was hanging oddly and Suzanne asked Ian and Chris if they could get it down.  We knew if it landed on Casper's shelter he would probably never go in the pen again, let alone into the shelter.  

These guys know what they are doing they, do landscaping and work with trees, so out come the ropes and saws and they went to work.  They took it down in pieces, they were afraid if they tried to cut the limb in one piece that it might fall wrong and Casper wouldn't have a shelter.  They did a real nice job and no one got hurt which is a good thing.  

Suzanne said she looked out one time and some of the minis were standing below where they were cutting and had their muzzles up in the air trying to catch the limbs and wood chips off the saw.  They got ran off, because everyone was afraid if a limb fell they might get hurt.  I guess they just moved to the next pen, to see if no one would notice them.  

Suzanne said she looked and Koshare was sneaking away with a small limb he picked up.  She said he was being very quiet and trying to look nonchalant  as he looked for a place to hide with his prize.  I didn't know cat claw tasted so good..........!!!  LOL  

Bonnie has settled in, Tyler will be here this week to see how her front feet are doing.  I think she is doing really well, but I'm no expert.  Her feet don't seem to bother her and she spends a lot of time, having to contend with Beefy's weight on her back.  He's slowed down quite a bit, but is still rather obnoxious.  We usually let the girls out first, so they have time to disappear.  Beefy gets let out last and he usually panics and starts running around like a maniac yelling for the girls.  He hasn't noticed yet that none of them answer him when he's screaming and running.  He also doesn't notice that they are usually hard to find. They seem to know where to hide..........LOL 



elliek said...

I am back after being hacked. Thank you for letting me know. I have changed everything and started anew. Passwords, different e mail company, bank accounts. I even bought a new computer since mine was about 13 years old and not worth putting money to get it cleaned. My grandson is a computer guy so he will clean the old one and use it for games probably.
I am happy to hear you had a week end away. It is good to see the new boys have settled in so good. Thanks again. Ellie

elliek said...

I don't know how to make my name appear when I write. Have to work om that.

Tish said...

Sorry to hear you got hacked, sure wish people had better things to do than hack us.