Friday, March 18, 2022



This is Bonnie a couple of days ago, when she got here after a pretty long ride from the Phoenix area.  I knew she had a problem in the summer with sores on her legs which of course the flies love, which causes more sores.  I did not know she has been chronically foundered, probably over a long period of time, and it doesn't look like she has had regular hoof care for a long time if ever.   The next morning she was a little more comfortable and has improved a little more each day, although she is still laying down more than what would be normal.

I got in touch with Dr. Jeremy and Tyler.  Dr. Jeremy came out, took x-rays and besides having ugly feet, she also has abscesses in both front feet.  He called Tyler before he left and they will be out Monday to open up the abscesses and get her feet trimmed.  

She's a real nice donkey, easy to work with and already greets us when we go in her pen.  Of course she expects treats and so far she doesn't care what it is.  

She has a bed sore on one hip, that I'm working on.  Hopefully if she doesn't lay down as much it will heal quickly.   We put wood shavings down for her to lay on.  Unfortunately they stick to everything, including her bed sore.  I put some Vaseline on it tonight, covered it and hopefully in the morning, it will have softened the wood shavings so I can get them off without having to do a lot of scrubbing.


Delrene said...

She looks so sweet. I hope her feet will feel better soon.

Tish said...

Tomorrow Tyler and Dr. Jeremy will work on her feet. I've seen Tyler work miracles and I'm sure he will be able to help her.

Unknown said...

If you haven't put one of the rubber donut things that fits around the pastern of the leg that's irritating the sore, you might try it. Worked great on my horse.

Tish said...

Actually the scar tissue etc on her leg is from years of fly damage. Right now it's inactive and will probably become problematic when the temperature heats up and the stable flies get active. She has a bed sore on her left hip that is doing really good, it's dry now and she isn't laying down like she was when she got here, so it should heal pretty quick.

Kelly said...

She's such a sweetheart

ellie k said...

What is her history? She seems like a sweet calm girl that has been treated well all but her feet.

Tish said...

I think the people took care of her, but like so many people with equine, neglected her feet. She is very calm, nothing so far has fazed her, even power tools when the Tyler was working on her feet. They said she opens gates and got in the pig food, don't know if that was once or often. Judging from her feet I'd say she's been foundered more than a few times.

ellie k said...

Thanks, glad they can work on her feet, she will feel better.