Wednesday, August 05, 2020


I haven't updated for awhile, nothing much to share I guess.  Not much news from Colorado, although they've had some practice and actually ran a couple of races.

This is a practice with our Coquette who was adopted last year and renamed Avery, she is the darker burro.  I'm not sure if the grey one is her new friend Brigs or Miss Nell, who went to Colorado as Jenny and got a wonderful forever home this summer.

This is a link to one of their practice outings.  I think the 1st donkey is Miss Nell aka use to be Jenny, Buddy Brat that doesn't like his feet wet, and little Arrow who just likes to have fun.

Things around here are pretty low key.  It's too hot to be outside most of the day.  The donkeys just stand around waiting for something to happen. This morning Shannon and Cindy came out to groom again.  They are our most devoted groomers, when they come out they spend the morning and the donkeys really enjoy being brushed.  They use to come once a week, but since it's been so hot, they've cut back, which is understandable. 

John is still planning on raking up beans in the Burro Barracks, so the donkeys can get out a little and stretch their legs.  We keep thinking this heat wave will break, but so far that hasn't happened.  Everyone is putting on weight it looks like, especially the ones that are not "svelte" to begin with, which is most of them. 

This is what it looks like under almost every tree on the property, and there are a lot of trees.  The good news is most of the trees have dropped almost all their beans, so it's just a matter of figuring out the best way to take care of the problem.

DJ the palomino pony is really looking good.  A few more pounds on him and he'll be going to his forever home.  He's really a cute little guy, not easy to catch but once you have your hands on him you can do just about anything with him.  He sure likes his mush.  When we go out to feed, he anxiously watches everything going on and starts yelling at us if it takes too long. 

This is Koshare's new fly mask because he tore up the old one.  I don't think he's had it on a week.  When we got them, the people said they were destructive.  I think they are just bored, they haven't had a chance to get out on the property and entertain themselves, because of the beans. 

Some of the donkeys are continuing to eat the shelters, one of the 4x4 uprights looks like a sharpened pencil.  I guess we won't worry about it until the lockdown is over, hopefully there will be some shelters left.  I told John we could replace with metal siding, like we had to do with Rosie, the "ringleader" and wood eating trainer in her shelter.  But he doesn't like the sight of the metal.  He might change his mind by the  time they get thru redesigning their living quarters.  LOL

I raced last week-end, finished 3rd in the main event.  The guys finishing ahead of me have really nice cars and both have more horsepower, so unless I get lucky, which means they have bad luck, that's about where I'll finish. 

The Cobalt in front I've beaten, it's those other two that are a problem. LOL  Actually I've beaten the black 22 for 2nd place, it's that #11 behind all of us in this picture that none of us can beat.........!!!    He's won all 3 main events we've ran so far.  We're suppose to race again the 29th of Aug, who knows, maybe I'll get lucky....!!!  LOL

1 comment:

ellie k said...

The pony is looking good, maybe his young life was so bad he just don't want to be caught and abused again. He seems to be learning to trust you to work with him. You said he has a forever home. That is good.