Saturday, September 09, 2017


In the desert it's hard to tell, the nights are getting cooler and the morning shadows make me think of fall. We have no leaves changing to pretty fall colors though which I miss.  

Had a little bit of rain last night, so I guess the monsoons aren't over yet.  According to the "experts" monsoon lasts until the 15th of September.  John got up to close windows and by the time he got back to bed, it had quit.  

John went over on the quad to check Burroland and reported back there are tons of mesquite beans over there that still look tasty................SIGH...!!  I have no idea when the donkeys will be able to go back over there. The fatties look like blimps.  We could leave them in their pens day after day, so they would only have access to hay, but get no exercise.  Or we can continue to feed them half rations of hay, let them out on the 10 acres to scrounge and get exercise.   

Dr Jeremy and Tyler the farrier that has all sorts of special shoes to help with foundered equine had a talk this week on Founder/Laminitis this week, John and I made a point of going.  It was really good, lots of information from both of them.  Even got to see some good  friends that I don't see often enough.  John even enjoyed it, he usually squirms when I drag him to things like this.  But it kept his attention, so you know it must have been good........!!  LOL

One of the main causes of founder is obesity.  Dr. Jeremy had slides of obese horses and donkeys and I was surprised that none of them were some of ours.  Actually Frijolita and Coquette are worse  than some of the ones on the slides, unfortunately.  Even BlackJack is plumping up nicely..........!!


Today John and I are going on a mission to find car parts.  My races Saturday did not end well.  I ran 2 main events, finished 5th in the 1st one.  Had an altercation with 2 of the cars, one of them had something broke he said which slammed him into my car, which pushed me into another car.  They both went into the wall and I didn't.  The guy I got pushed into, borrowed another car for the next race, and put me into the wall and rather than just push and get off me, he stayed with me all the way along the wall.  His brother is the one that totaled my Kia 2 years ago by stuffing me into the wall, guess they don't like being beat by a woman on a regular basis, especially one old enough to probably be their mother............LOL

Doesn't look very bad on top, all the damage is underneath, although I have no idea where the end of my bumper went, scraped it off on the wall I guess.....!!

Needless to say my poor little car needs some TLC....!!!  I went in on Craigslist and found another Dodge Neon, cheap.  Called the guy, went to look at it, and John almost leaped out of the truck when he saw it.  It's a 2  door coupe, just like mine.  They are pretty rare, so it's like finding the mother lode in a gold mine.  We've also went on-line to order the parts available.  Today we're looking for parts we haven't been able to find, which means a trip to junk yard,  for the afternoon.  

Our friend Gary has a friend that has all the tools to straighten frames and other things that need to be straight or the car won't handle.  John took the car down to Gary and they decided they could straighten it, without all the fancy stuff.  So they used Gary's wrecker and 2 trees and actually got it pretty straight, won't know for sure until we get the motor mounts.  

Once he gets everything back on it, I'll take it out on our  "country" road for a high speed run to make sure it tracks straight.  Thank goodness my next race isn't until the 30th of this month, so he's got time.  He'll be gone for a few days to a family reunion in Indiana, so hopefully most of it will be done before he leaves.  

It's eating cactus time again.  Cisco came in yesterday looking like he tried to eat a porcupine.  The bad thing with him is, he tries to "share" by rubbing on you, which we really don't want him to do.  But he is really persistant, so he tries to share, we try to stay away, while trying to pick spines out of his face.  Some of the others eat the fruit, but not like Cisco, he also eats the pads and will dig down to get at the roots.  

Cisco and I'm not sure who, chowing down on cactus years ago....!!!

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