Friday, February 05, 2010


It turns out the pedicure salon was the stock trailer.  Although it's hard to tell there are 2 men & two donkeys on the other sides of the center gate of our trailer, & the trimmer's wife is standing holding the gate.  Good grief you couldn't have stuck a small goat in there without it getting real crowded.  

The girls did great, much better than we expected.  This morning they hopped in the trailer as soon as we shooed them towards it.  We got to the vet clinic & Tyler was already there & so was Shawn.  Shawn is the cowboy Nancy brought out here when she gelded Paladin a few months ago.  I guess she calls him when she thinks there might be a problem & some muscle might be needed.

I gave Tyler what little info I had on the girls behavior.  So he & Shawn grabbed our halters, opened the trailer & waded into the possible battle.  Next thing I know they have the halters on the girls, & Tyler has a front foot off the ground & is getting ready to clean & trim.  It was the larger brown girl & she really stood very good.  Back feet, not so good.  But after a "happy" shot the backs got done in no time.  Same deal with the little roan colored girl, front feet were OK, back feet not so much until after happy shot.  I don't think it took him more than 30 minutes to do both of them.   

They have some stretched white line, but the feet really turned out pretty darn good, considering how nasty they looked before.  A few good trims & some of that stretching should tighten up.

We had to wait for awhile for their shots to wear off, before we could bring them home.  They were a little too goofy to be trying to stand up in a moving trailer.  But as soon as they would follow me with their eyes, we headed home.

Susan called this afternoon to see how it went.& was quite pleased with my report.  She said all of her neighbors are excited about her getting donkeys.  We will be hauling them next Wednesday, so they can start their new lives. It's so rewarding when they get a wonderful forever home of their own. 

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