Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Lucy & Pepper are still limping around. They have both been foundered in the past & I would imagine if you x-rayed their feet, they aren't normal inside. The monsoon has put them in a "Catch 22" situation. I'm sure they both also have arthritis, so need to move around as much as possible. Which they can't do if they are in the pens. At least they don't see a need to walk around, unless there is a reason........such as finding shade.............or something to eat, like mesquite beans, which is why they are in the pens. I have checked their legs & feet, but found nothing to make them limp. so I am assuming, no exercise & humidity is causing their "probable" arthritis to act up.

Jenny is also walking slower than normal. We are letting her out for a few hours during the day & so far she isn't getting any worse. The problem with the beans is, they aren't going anywhere. If they aren't eaten now, they will still be here, when the donkeys are turned loose. The only good thing is, they become unappetizing within days of falling from the trees & the donkeys won't eat least they never have. Terry came out today to do some grooming & said we should have goats. She has 2 that are keeping her property very tidy. She says they stand on their back legs to reach some of the more hard to reach tidbits. If we had a goat proof fence, we might try it. We could put an ad in the paper, to borrow goats during the bean season...............!!!!

Georgette, Sugar's mom came out to visit & brought a neighbor today. She says Sugar is still as sweet as she was & that Jacque really likes her. He had been with horses for a few years & I'm sure appreciates one of his own kind, even if it is a bossy jenny. She's only about 2 years old, so he doesn't know what bossy is yet. Wait till she gets a little older...........!!!

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