Thursday, June 14, 2007


John & I just got home this afternoon from trying to get this little guy up & in our trailer. Unfortunately it's wasn't meant to be, & we came home with an empty trailer.

When we got there this morning, he was laying in the same position as he was, last night when we left. We put a halter on him, & used ropes to try to get his rear feet under him. A neighbor woman even came over & tried to help. But he just didn't have the strength to get up after laying for 4 days.

John called the man at work, & told him how bad the little donkey was. The guy said he couldn't afford to call a vet until tomorrow, so John said we would pay to euthanize him. One of the local vets is only about 4 miles away, so John drove up there, while I stayed with the donkey. She said she would come when she could get away. While we waited John found a big umbrella to shade him with. It's suppose to be over 100* today, & it was really getting hot. I'm not sure he even knew what was going on, he kept thrashing his legs, but it almost seemed to be automatic. We waited over 3 hours, he started gasping, & within a few minutes had died.

I don't even know if he had a name, but it was like losing one of our own. While he & I were waiting for John to come back, I told him, if he had no one else worthwhile in his life, to wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge .

1 comment:

Bisbeehemian said...

that is just about the saddest story I have read. I feel so bad for that donkey. thankfully you were there with the poor thing at the end. i wish things would have ended differently for the poor little thing. life can be so cruel sometimes.