Saturday, December 30, 2006


These pictures of Lucy's left front foot were taken almost 2 years apart. She's been getting trimmed every 5-6 weeks, & as you can tell it has made a world of difference in her foot. John even saw her run a couple of days ago. So her feet must be feeling pretty good. Her 1st trim after we got her was done at the Equine Clinic in Gilbert, & at that time she could hardly walk. So she has come a long long way. We have high hopes for both front feet, the right one was never as bad as the left.

It's finally warming up a little bit & the sun is shining this afternoon. Snowy went out today for the first time in a couple of days. I kept her in to monitor her in & out put. She ate pretty good last night & also this morning. So I took all her "clothes" off & turned her loose. She doesn't go very far or do much when she is out, but it gives her a little exercise.

Everyone else seems to be in good health & spirit. Belle is still recuperating from her encounter with the dogs a few weeks ago. She bowed the tendon in both front legs. She's not very lame anymore, but the legs are still enlarged & hard. From all I have read, the treatment for bowed tendons is the passage of time. They will probably always be enlarged, but once she's healed, they shouldn't bother her at all.

I do believe the minis are a little thinner............little being the optimum word here........!!! They still have a long way to go. I had been giving Lynn & Cheyenne 2 chromium tablets each morning in a handful of timothy pellets. This morning, Miss Lynn became a suspicious inspector, & spit out one of her tablets. I tried giving it to her again, & she wouldn't even take the timothy pellets from my hand. Guess I'll have to come up with a "PLAN B"........!!!!

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