Thursday, July 02, 2015

MORE RAIN..........YIPPEE......!!!

Somali Wild Asses

We had a real gully washer yesterday afternoon.  Got 1 1/4 inch of rain out of it and the big wash ran bank to bank.  The "A" team, Tula and her little band happened to be on the other side of the wash, which caused all sorts of crisis until it went down.  Thankfully it was almost down by feeding time, except for a few puddles that had to be avoided if at all possible.  Today doesn't look very promising.

Got the results of Saddik's test for Valley Fever, he's positive, so we're waiting for the compounding company to send the Fluconazole to the vet's office, so I can get him started on it.  He's already on Doxycycline and has been for over a week.  From what the clinic said he will stay on both drugs for the foreseeable future.

Finally heard back from the track, they have changed the rules, so we can run camber.  John has been busy as a bee, up in the garage getting it ready for Saturday night.  I am not delusional enough to think they change the rule for me, the other 3 tires that shredded that night on 3 other cars, probably had more to do with it.  But whatever the reason, I will be racing Saturday night.  Hope it's a good night and I stay out of trouble..........LOL


DesertHorses said...

The Somali asses are lovely. And their feet look like... no, could it be? Must be photoshopped. Their feet look just like healthy, normal equine feet. That can't be right...

Tish said...

Amazing isn't it.........LOL