Friday, April 16, 2010

PALADIN UPDATE........!!!!!

Linda called this morning & said Paladin is doing just fine.  She said the beginning was a little rocky, because he likes to play rough.  I guess Mr. Hershey didn't know how to handle this new critter, & was ending up with bloody marks all over his neck.  But she said it's getting better & they play a lot with a jolly ball.  He also likes to hang out with the horse, although she said when the donkeys start to play the horse tries to play too.  I guess it's a closed boy's club, because he isn't allowed. If he tries she said they just quit playing.  Poor guy, he's the odd man out now I guess.  I don't really know how much he & Mr. Hershey interacted before.  She wanted Mr. Hershey & Comet to get more exercise, & I would imagine Paladin is making sure they get it. 

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