Friday, June 08, 2018

I'M BACK........!!!


 The Colorado boys practicing their moves.  Pepsi has become quite the little runner, even if he is a  "chunky little monkey"  I don't see his saddle bags disappearing yet, hopefully by the time they bring him back, he will be "slim and trim", although I'm not holding my breath.  At least he will miss mesquite bean season in Arizona...!!

 This could be one reason Pepsi isn't losing weight.  Lynn and Linda think the pasture up there is terrible, BUT....... Pepsi seems to be enjoying it and none of them look like they are wasting away....!!! LOL

 * * * * *

Well that didn't take long.  John had his little defibrillator installed yesterday afternoon, and we were home by before 8pm.  Doug had fed and let the donkeys out at bedtime, so we didn't have to worry about that.  

He said he slept pretty good last night and today is sitting in his recliner waiting for the doctor office to call to see how he is doing.  That isn't his primary reason for waiting for their call.  They gave him a cute little monitor to put on his nightstand, that will download info every morning at 1AM.  Unfortunately there is no cell service in our bedroom, which probably is the reason his little monitor is flashing like crazy to tell him, no service.  So when they call he's going to ask them what happens now?  

People in the city don't understand the lack of service out in the wilds of the country.......!!!  They look almost as confused as when they ask for a cell phone number and we tell them we don't have one.  We actually do have a cell phone, but we never turn it on unless we want to use it, and a lot of times when we turn it on, we have messages that have been on there for days.  So there isn't any reason to give the number to anyone.....!!!  LOL

* * * * * 

Lynn and Linda are racing today in Creede, Colorado in one of the longer burro races, with I assume Loki and Justin.  Not sure if some of the other boys will be racing or not.  Pepsi will hate to miss out I'm sure, he's really taken to this racing business.  


Lynn and Linda with Loki and Justin at the Idaho Springs Race, I think

May, a friend with Pepsi

Pepsi's not sure he wants to jump that log

Oh well......might as well try it....!!

The ones that finished

Yea.......I guess there are quite a few that don't finish, although this was only about 5-6 miles.  The Creede race this week-end is about 10 miles......!!!

I guess Lynn was up at 1am "designing" a Justin proof barrier.  Justin got bored and was jumping in and out, in and out of the trailer that was attached to the truck, Lynn and Linda were trying to sleep in..........!!!   I'm really surprised this stopped him, I see weak spots in the design........!!!  LOL

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