Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gus & Quilla are lucky to be in the Phoenix area I think.  This morning at 6:11am the thermometer outside the bedroom registered a balmy 24 degrees.....!!! It projects on the ceiling above the bed & now that I can see without my glasses I can find out these little tidbits of information without asking or putting on my glasses..........!!!  YUCK.......I think sometimes ignorance is bliss, who wants to get out of bed when it's that cold.  

Of course it starts warming as soon as the sun comes up, so by the time we were done with chores we started shedding clothes.  

Heard from Chantilly's new Mom.  They let Lily out of her pen the next morning & Marsha said there were no fireworks, no snarky faces, not even a pinned ear, so that's really good.  

I didn't realize they hadn't seen Chantilly's face, she had on a fly mask when they come to visit, & had her mask on when we delivered her.  Marsha said she's got a beautiful face & she does, very delicate with big brown eyes.  

The black & white blob standing by the goat pen is Levi.  Levi would like to get in the pen with the girl goats, but that's not going to happen right now, so he is in with the horses & donkeys in about a 3 acre pen.  Not that he goes anywhere except right by the "girl" pen, trying to figure out how to get in it.  From my point of view he needs "brain" surgery, but I think Marsha wants some little goats eventually. 

Marsha told us that he likes to go up to the horses & Lily & rub his horns on their legs & sometimes gets his horns around their legs, which gets everyone's attention.  

I guess he tried it on Chantilly, she spun around & sent him rolling about 2 or 3 rolls.  Thad just happened to be watching.  So far not only has he not tried it on Chantilly again, he's leaving the others alone too, so Marsha thinks maybe it was a good thing.  I'm sure Levi didn't think so......!!!! LOL

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