Thursday, March 21, 2019


Earlier in the month John was unloading my race car off the trailer and it tried to self unload.  He tried to stop it and got caught between the car and the trailer. I wrote about it earlier this month.  Yesterday afternoon he said he felt cold, no one else was cold and he started shaking.  I took his blood pressure and it was all over the place.

So off we went to the local hospital.  After a few hours in the emergency room, they admitted him. About a week or so ago, a couple of areas opened up and looked pretty nasty.  He has surface varicose veins and we figured they got damaged by the car.  He was running a temperature and the big worry is infection or bacteria in the blood stream.  So they started him on antibiotics IV.

Thank goodness Lynn, Linda and Suzanne are here, they have been taking care of the animals, while I entertain him in the hospital.  I had physical therapy today for my knee, while I was gone the doctor came in and they've decide he has a hematoma or a captured area of blood in his leg and they are culturing blood to also check for bacteria in the bloodstream, which might take a few days.  My first thought was they would drain it, that's what they usually do for animals that have one.  I was surprised when they brought in a couple of pillows to elevate his leg to encourage the blood to move.......!!  They did say he might get to go home tomorrow, but if the blood shows bacteria he'll have to go back into the hospital.  Guess I better check my pillow supply...........LOL

I'm suppose to race this Saturday, and had decided not to even bring up the subject.  Well I found out John, our friend Larry that is a racer, and Lynn who isn't a racer, but willing to help had been talking behind my back about me racing and them being my pit crew.  I told John my first 3 races last year were pretty lousy and I still managed to finish 5th even not being able to race the last race of the season.  So I am more than willing not to race this week-end...........  Good grief you would have thought I said I was never racing again, judging from the fit John the plan as of now is, tomorrow Lynn and I will try to load the truck with all the equipment needed.  I have never participated in loading the truck.  John gave me a list, hopefully he didn't forget something important........!!!  LOL  I don't know who is in charge of this circus, hopefully it's not me........John has always been the "engine on this train", all I do is drive.  But we'll give it a shot and see what happens.

The excitement about the burro racing is still happening, people are really getting into the idea of having burro racing in Arizona.  October 12th in Superior, AZ will be the 1st race and the town is behind it 100%.  I have seen probably 100s of pictures and videos taken by dozens of people and one thing shows up in every picture, everyone is smiling...........!!!

I think this is the sunset from the night before

Everyone up bright and early, but they are smiling

Donkeys ready to go........!! 

What is wrong with this picture?  Poor little Pepsi and also Justin couldn't get a drink because the tanks were too tall for them.  Something to keep in mind for future races.  They make collapsible buckets and carrying one especially if a person is running with a mini might be a good idea....!!

Pepsi showing the big boys how it's done.  Team Pepsi and Indy finished 7th out of 14 teams.........!!!  Thanks for the pictures Indy.


Team Frijolita and Linda

For those that have been to our house and donkey rescue, you might have noticed a fenced area directly north of the house with trees in it.  We fenced it off years ago, so we could have at least a small area of trees that hadn't been chewed on by donkeys.  Over the years the weeds and whatever else thought it could hide from the donkeys have grown into a tangled mess.  It was to the point where you couldn't hardly walk thru it.  So we decided to take a couple of the fence panels down, so the donkeys could go in there for a few days. Taking down 2 panels gave them an avenue of escape in case the close quarters and the idea of fresh eating material made for some squabbling.

Like I said it was almost impossible to walk around in there without hitting your head on a tree or getting scratched or skinned up by who knows what.

Here's some of the donkeys working on the "jungle" and doing a good job.  So good in fact we closed it off the 2nd day.

This is after one day, as far as I know there was no squabbling at all, at different times there was different donkeys in there, at one time I counted 7.  Casper the little Blanco Diablo mini mule took it upon himself to show Leo how to get in there.  Casper was inside, Leo was outside, Casper went out and led him back in, so Leo could enjoy the "feast".

Speaking of Casper, our neighbor Jorja told us she found a little mule highway under the perimeter fence.  We've thought he had given up on going out and checking out the neighborhood, but obviously not.  She said the trail looks really worn under the fence.  John was over at another neighbor's place and said there were little foot prints EVERYWHERE.  He is always here at feeding time, and we see him off and on during the day.  So we figure he is sneaking out at night, to do his thing whatever that is.  I think it's the thrill of getting away with something, he has that attitude, which is what makes him so much fun.  LOL 

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